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Resource Alert: It's time to share because we care!


This blog has been very quiet! Let's just say... a lot of life has happened since the last post. Finally, we are back in full swing and ready to make the leap to resource development for eductors in the ECE and primary school sector, as well as activities for home!

To kick this off I'm sharing a resource we're using in some classes over the next few weeks.

We're exploring the dance element of body right now, naming and discovering the possibilities of safe and varied movement for a variety of body parts. The following activity is so much fun for a variety of ages with easy ways to adjust for differing ability and experience (some ideas from EASY to HARD are included). You can use the dice to explore movement (fostering body awareness and articulation, range of movement, increasing potential for expression) and to create dance sequences. Just let the dice determine what comes next and enjoy your dancers contributions! Dancers of all ages LOVE to roll the dice so do let them roll themselves, identify or read (where possible) the task, and take ownership of their work when building your dance sequence.

Enjoy, Miss Lia :)


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a. Melville Community Hall

    84 Ohaupo Rd

    Hamilton 3206 

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